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Rhylee West

Age: 23yr 10mth    Games: 48     Born: July 12, 2000     Origin: Calder Cannons
Height: 183cm     Weight: 82kg     Position: Forward
Drafted: Round 2, Pick #26 2018 National Draft by Western Bulldogs
Supercoach Price: $347,100   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $531,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: Out of contract at the end of 2024   AFL Player Contracts
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Rhylee West Biography

Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Rhylee West signs a fresh two-year deal to remain at the Western Bulldogs until the end of 2024.

After being starved of opportunity across his first three seasons at the club, the 22-year-old played 14 games in 2022 to show why he was so highly rated in his draft year.

Sunday, 28 July 2019
Rhylee West makes his AFL debut for the Western Bulldogs at Docklands Stadium with 14 disposals (8 kicks and 6 handballs), 3 marks, a tackle and a goal in a 47-point win over Fremantle.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Rhylee West will start his career at the Western Bulldogs in the jumper his father Scott did, with the draftee handed No.14 guernsey for his debut season.
Friday, 23 November 2018
The Western Bulldogs match a bid by Melbourne to secure Rhylee West as a father-son selection at pick No.26 in the 2018 AFL Draft.

"It's fantastic that we're able to continue the West family name at the Western Bulldogs," Bulldogs recruiting Nick Austin said.

"Rhylee’s ability to find the footy and his tackling and pressure around the contest are some of his greatest strengths.

"While he is elite with his stoppage work, he is also creative when he has the footy and has the vision to think beyond the contest."

Friday, 26 October 2018
Rhylee West is a step closer to joining the Western Bulldogs after the club officially nominated him as a father-son.

"It's great to know they want me at the footy club, so it's very exciting," West said.

"(The nomination) makes me ecstatic, as it gives me a chance to play at the highest level.

"I told them in a meeting recently I wanted to play at the Dogs, and I guess they were in a position to do that. It's very special."

Tuesday, 3 July 2018
For Rhylee West, the advice his dad, Scott West, has given him across his football career has him in a position where the Bulldogs are considering him as a father-son selection in November's NAB AFL Draft.

"I've got a special opportunity where my dad is my coach. Every bloke hopefully has a dad that's their coach, but mine's a bit different in that he played 324 games and he doesn't let me forget it," Rhylee said.

"That's not something that every kid's dad gets to do. And his teachings are from the best and that's why I've excelled so much and become the player I am today because of that."

Sunday, 21 January 2018
Draft and father-son prospect Rhylee West, son of Bulldogs great Scott West, says a stint at the Bulldogs as part of the NAB AFL Academy has solidified his self-belief.

"It's such a great experience to be exposed to elite training, elite facilities, elite habits and what it really takes to be a footballer," he said.

West says he would love to play for his father's old club.

"It would be pretty special playing at the same club my dad did. I think it would be pretty special to Dad, too. But we'll have to wait and see," he said.

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