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Aaron Naughton

Age: 24yr 6mth    Games: 134     Born: November 30, 1999     Origin: Peel Thunder
Height: 196cm     Weight: 92kg     Position: Forward
Drafted: Round 1, Pick #9 2017 National Draft by Western Bulldogs
Supercoach Price: $475,100   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $642,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: UFA at the end of 2032   AFL Player Contracts
Status: Knee injury, Expected return: 4-6 weeks   AFL Injury List
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Aaron Naughton Biography

Friday, 24 May 2024
Aaron Naughton is cleared of an anterior cruciate ligament tear, with the key forward expected to be sidelined for at least a month.

The 24-year-old was helped off Marvel Stadium in the second quarter of Thursday night’s loss to Sydney, after his leg was trapped in a tackle by Lewis Melican.

Scans on Friday morning have revealed a moderate grade medial ligament injury to his right knee, ruling the West Australian out for between four and six weeks.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Aaron Naughton wins the mark of the round for round 5 of 2022.

Monday, 7 February 2022
Marcus Bontempelli will lead the Bulldogs for a third consecutive season in 2022, with Jack Macrae serving as vice-captain.

Caleb Daniel, Taylor Duryea and Aaron Naughton are also in the leadership group.

"I think it's no secret that everyone knows how much I love the club and how proud I am to represent this club every week," Macrae said.

Saturday, 22 August 2020
After spending most of his life playing as a defender, Aaron Naughton has developed into one of the game's best forwards, and it all started when he was shifted into attack in round 14 of his debut season in 2018 against Geelong.

"It was a bit of a shock when 'Bevo' first put me forward. Coming into the next pre-season I trained as a defender the whole time and played the first Marsh Community Series game as a defender, and then during that week 'Bevo' asked me to come and have a meeting," Naughton remembered.

"He spoke me through it and said 'Are you willing to play forward? I think that's what we need for the team' and I was obviously happy to. Ever since then, I haven't looked back, and that's where I play now."

Sunday, 16 August 2020
Aaron Naughton kicks a career-best six goals against the Crows in just his second game back from an ankle syndesmosis injury.
Friday, 26 June 2020
Aaron Naughton will miss at least the next six weeks after undergoing surgery on a nasty ankle injury suffered in the first quarter of the Bulldogs' win against Sydney at the SCG.
Friday, 21 February 2020
Aaron Naughton will undergo an arthroscope after reporting soreness in his knee and will be in a race against time to be fit for round one.

"So we won't push him to be ready for round one. If he has the arthroscope and he comes up cherry ripe in two weeks, then we'll probably pick him," Bulldogs coach Luke Beveridge said.

"But if there's any doubt and he's got a bit of swelling and it's going to take a couple more weeks, then we'll be conservative with him."

Friday, 31 January 2020
Bulldogs forward coach Ashley Hansen has identified areas where Aaron Naughton can continue to take his game forward in 2020.

"The growth for this year is building on that game sense and in-match awareness to be able to apply different leading patterns and different craft for different defenders because sometimes you're double teamed," Hansen said.

"Different defenders do different things so to be able to negate that, it's probably going to be where he's going to take his game to the next level."

Friday, 24 January 2020
Aaron Naughton joins match simulation for the first time as he recovers from ligament damage to his knee.

"From the incident to be where he's at, it really is a blessing because it could have been a lot worse," Bulldogs forwards coach Ashley Hansen said.

"It certainly looks like he's got his straight-line speed and spring from the non-contact drills that he's been doing.

"That's going to increase over the coming weeks with the game-based non-scripted drills, he'll be able to ramp up the change of direction and agility and contact."

Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Aaron Naughton will undergo surgery on his left knee and is not expected to return to training until after the Christmas break.
Saturday, 7 September 2019
Aaron Naughton's pre-season may be delayed after he damaged the lateral ligament in his left knee from landing awkwardly in the third term of the Bulldogs' elimination final against the Giants.
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Western Bulldogs captain Easton Wood believes emerging forward Aaron Naughton will thrive in the spotlight after a standout performance against Richmond.

The 19-year-old key target kicked five goals and joined rarefied air with nine contested marks – only North Melbourne champion Wayne Carey has taken more in a game (10) since the statistic was recorded in 1999.

"When you're 19 (years old) and you're taking nine contested marks in a game that bodes pretty well for the future," Wood said.

"Something that has been consistent with him ever since he's been up forward is his ability and his timing with his contested marking. He's got some really sticky mitts on him (and) it's great to see him put it all together."

Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Aaron Naughton signs a four-year contract extension to remain at the Western Bulldogs until the end of 2024.

"Where I want to be in a couple of years, is just (being) a player that my teammates can rely on, that every week they know what they’re going to get out of me – whether that’s a strong contest up forward, or to be able to lock down a forward down back," Naughton said.

"It’s pretty special to me to be able to live out what I dreamed of as a kid. For the Bulldogs to give me the opportunity to play for their club, I just want to repay that faith."

Sunday, 11 November 2018
A shock fourth-place finish in the Western Bulldogs' 2018 best and fairest has given first-year key defender Aaron Naughton the confidence he has what it takes to combat the AFL's star forwards.

"To finish fourth was a bit of a shock, but I suppose it was a reflection that (the coaches) rated my first season," Naughton said.

"My exit meeting was alright, but I didn’t know what to expect and how the procedure ran.

"They were really positive after I played a few games in my first year as a key defender, so they were happy and want me to continue learning and grow my game.

"They really instilled some confidence in me."

Monday, 27 August 2018
Aaron Naughton earns the 2018 round 23 AFL Rising Star nomination.

Naughton recalls when had to help quell Swans' star forward Lance Franklin in round four.

Part of Naughton's job description involved going back with the flight of the ball in front of a rampaging Franklin.

"I was running back and Buddy said, 'Well done, you'll have a future in the game', so that was one moment that's stuck out for the year," Naughton said.

"For someone like him to say that meant a lot and I was a little shocked – it's something I'll remember."

Thursday, 14 June 2018
Draftee Aaron Naughton extends his contract with the Bulldogs to remain at the club until the end of 2020.

"We had no hesitation in working on a contract extension for Aaron, and we're excited to get it locked away at this point of his debut season," Bulldogs list and recruiting manager Sam Power said.

"The way he has tackled the task of integrating into the club, working hard on the training track, winning a spot in the team and holding his own against some of the best forwards in the competition has been very impressive."

Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Bulldogs coach Luke Beveridge says he expects Aaron Naughton to be nominated for this season's NAB Rising Star award at some stage.

Naughton, the second-youngest player in the AFL (18 years, 115 days), has played every game for Dogs as a key defender, and has held his own against some of the AFL's best forwards.

"He's been outstanding for us. He takes intercept marks for us, he's brave and he's starting to use the ball better as well," Beveridge said.

"He's a very mature player already and we're rapt with the way he's going."

Sunday, 25 March 2018
Aaron Naughton makes his AFL debut for the Western Bulldogs at Manuka Oval with 11 disposals (9 kicks and 2 handballs), 2 marks and a tackle in an 82-point loss to GWS.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Western Bulldogs coach Luke Beveridge confirms that draftee Aaron Naughton will make his debut in the club's 2018 season opener against GWS.

"It's a bit unusual for a young key position player to come onto the scene and look comfortable so quickly but he’s a big, strong, strapping lad and we’ve liked what we’ve seen," Beveridge said.

Friday, 9 March 2018
Western Bulldogs assistant coach Steven King says draftee Aaron Naughton is a "massive chance" to debut in round one.

"(Aaron) has the ability to play tall and small (at) 195cm, he's a terrific intercept mark, and he's just one of those kids you can tell have played senior footy before he got here," King said.

"He's very composed and nothing fazes him too much. He's got some great qualities."

Thursday, 15 February 2018
Aaron Naughton has impressed everyone at the Western Bulldogs this pre-season with his ability to match it with more seasoned teammates according to Bulldogs assistant coach Rohan Smith.

"He's a competitive bugger, he's really strong in the contest, strong overhead and uses the ball really well," Smith said of Naughton.

"But the way he's come into training the last few weeks in match simulation, it's been exciting for him. He's been exciting for us."

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