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Jaidyn Stephenson

Age: 25yr 4mth    Games: 118     Born: January 15, 1999     Origin: Eastern Ranges
Height: 189cm     Weight: 79kg     Position: Forward
Drafted: Round 1, Pick #6 2017 National Draft by Collingwood Magpies
Supercoach Price: $286,100   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $459,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: Out of contract at the end of 2025   AFL Player Contracts
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Jaidyn Stephenson Biography

Monday, 13 December 2021
Jaidyn Stephenson opens up on the boozy bike accident that resulted in him fracturing his hip in August.

"I was at home with my roommates. The season had just ended about a week before and we were having a bit of fun, letting our hair down and having a few drinks. I had the poor judgement of getting on my bike which, as we know, didn’t turn out too well," he explained.

"I spoke with Nobes (coach David Noble) about two days after … he was more disappointed than angry. We had a good honest chat, and as much as he wasn’t happy with me he put his support behind me.

"It’s definitely something I regret, not only the embarrassment of it, but the sheer pain I was in for the next week or two was just excruciating and the worst pain I’ve ever been in."

Saturday, 28 August 2021
Stephenson is admitted to hospital and will be assessed by a surgeon after suffering a small fracture when he fell from his mountain bike on a hard surface in his backyard.

"After having had drinks at home with his housemates, he attempted to perform a trick on his mountain bike off the back deck. He lost balance and fell onto a concrete paver," North GM football Brady Rawlings said.

"Initially, after the accident, Jaidyn was able to walk but the pain progressed to a point that an ambulance was called."

Friday, 5 March 2021
Jaidyn Stephenson admits to still feeling resentment over his departure from Collingwood.

"I obviously was very disappointed about the whole thing and last year I might have had a bit of a down year, but as a small forward in a tough year where we were living away from home I was still kicking my goal a game," Stephenson said.

"It just wasn't good enough last year, they wanted two or three. It is disappointing and, hopefully, I can make them pay."

Monday, 16 November 2020
Jaidyn Stephenson is carrying a chip on his shoulder as he prepares for his first season at North Melbourne after a messy exit from Collingwood.

"It's certainly put a little chip on my shoulder and (given me) a lot of motivation to get out there and work hard and put my best foot forward here at North. I'm really looking forward to the time that comes when we get to play Collingwood," he said.

However, Stephenson says he has taken on board his former club's feedback that he needs to raise his training standards.

"As young players we're continually growing and building and we've all got things to work on, whether that be on the field or off the field," Stephenson said.

"I've addressed mine and hopefully I can continue to improve on those. I'm sure the environment here at North Melbourne will help me to do that."

Sunday, 15 November 2020
Collingwood chief executive Mark Anderson has conceded salary cap pressure was a key factor in the club's decision to trade four players during the AFL Trade Period.

Adam Treloar, Jaidyn Stephenson, Tom Phillips, and Atu Bosenavulagi were all offloaded to rival clubs last week, with the Magpies receiving well under market value in return.

"We were without realistic access to the free agency market with our salary cap being at its limit," Anderson said.

"We have had quality players expressing interest in coming to our club, interest we could not realistically pursue due to our cap limitations.

"This could not continue and so some tough and, frankly, painful decisions had to be made."

Thursday, 12 November 2020
Collingwood trade Jaidyn Stephenson and Atu Bosenavulagi to North Melbourne. The Kangaroos gave up two second-round picks (No.26 and 33) as well as a future fourth-round selection, receiving the two players and pick No.39 in return.

"Jaidyn lit our attack, and the game, up for a time and we hope he can recapture that form. We wish both players well," Collingwood list manager Ned Guy said.

"We hold the view that this year's draft represents an opportunity to bring some excellent talent into the program. This deal improves significantly our ability to do that."

Kangaroo recruit Jaidyn Stephenson says he was not informed of Collingwood's intention to trade him and is disappointed with the Magpies for the way they handled his departure.

"I got a call from my manager about a week before Trade Period started and he said ' think they're putting you up for trade'. I was shocked. I thought I'd get on the front foot and I gave Bucks a call. He said to look for a trade and they'd facilitate it," Stephenson said.

"He just said he doesn't know if I allowed myself to open up to the group, which I don't necessarily agree with, but if that's the way he saw it, he's the coach. But I'll definitely be endearing myself to my new teammates and coaches if that's what he thought my problem was."

Friday, 30 October 2020
Jaidyn Stephenson is reportedly put up for trade by Collingwood.

Stephenson had a poor 2020 season with illness initially setting him back, before form and off-field issues became a bigger concern for coach Nathan Buckley.

It is believed his attitude was regularly addressed during the 2020 season, where he struggled with the hub life forced on most clubs.

Sunday, 12 April 2020
Stephenson confirms he has fully recovered from his bout of glandular fever and is hoping to break into the Collingwood's senior team once the 2020 AFL season resumes from suspension (due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Jaidyn Stephenson is struck down with glandular fever and has not been seen at the Holden Centre since being diagnosed with the debilitating illness last week.
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Jaidyn Stephenson will play in Collingwood's VFL game this week, just hours after serving his 10th AFL match suspension for betting on games.

"His attitude and workrate's been amazing. We couldn't have asked any more of him. The way he's applied himself into his training block," Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley said.

"(It's) fortuitous that we had a Friday night game so Jaidyn plays in the VFL on Saturday, which gives him a run around.

"That will be another progression for him, which is something that works in our favour and in his, and probably gives him another step up in a match situation before having to come back a couple of weeks later."

Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Jaidyn Stephenson is hit with a 10-match ban by the AFL and will have to pay a $20,000 fine after being found to have gambled on three games involving the Magpies.

Stephenson will miss the rest of the 2019 home and away season, but will be available to play in the Magpies' finals series after serving what will amount to be the most severe ban handed out to a player for betting on football the games' history.

Stephenson owned up to the bets on May 19, when he self-reported the three multi-bet wagers on three separate games.

"I'm embarrassed that I've let myself, my family, my teammates and our loyal fans down and I'm devastated that I won't be able to pull on a Collingwood jumper for the next 10 weeks," Stephenson said via a statement from the club.

"I can't change the past, but what's most important is what I do next."

The League's general counsel, Andrew Dillon, said Stephenson was given a 22-match ban, with 12 of those suspended for the rest of his career.

Dillon said the fact Stephenson self-reported, along with his age, cooperation in the investigation, remorse and previous cases saw them arrive at the 10-game ban.

If he hadn't self-reported and been caught, Stephenson would have had to serve a full 22-game ban.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Jaidyn Stephenson is under investigation by the AFL Integrity Unit in relation to the possibility of betting on an AFL match that involved a Collingwood game.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Jaidyn Stephenson becomes the first Collingwood player to claim the NAB AFL Rising Star award.

Stephenson polled 52 votes to take home the Ron Evans Medal from Adelaide's Tom Doedee (42 votes) and Brisbane's Alex Witherden (32 votes).

Stephenson kicked 34 goals for the season – 11 more than the next-highest return for a player eligible for the award.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Jaidyn Stephenson signs a two-year extension with Collingwood to remain at the club until the end of 2021.
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Jaidyn Stephenson says he never feared his AFL career was over before it began when he found out last year he was living with a genetic heart condition.

Stephenson, who was speaking at the launch of charity organisation HeartKids' Super Boss Day campaign, shares his heart condition with his mother and sister.

"There were obviously talks I had to have with cardiologists about whether I'd continue playing sport, and it certainly worried my mum more than anyone," he said.

"But I stayed pretty confident and was pretty adamant I'd keep playing sport, because I loved it that much and didn't want anything to stop me from playing it.

"I still believed I would get drafted, even if it was pick 50 or 60 – it didn't bother me – but ending up at Collingwood was just a dream come true."

Monday, 14 May 2018
Collingwood recruiting manager Derek Hine reveals the club only decided to select Jaidyn Stephenson on draft day last year due to concerns over his heart condition.

"It was more about getting the approval from the appropriate experts and medical guys. I really felt for Jaidyn and [his family] because they went to hell and back," Hine said.

"In the end, I take my hat off to our doctors and the process they went through because they spelled it out for us. We actually really didn't decide until two o'clock on the day of the draft that we'd be taking him."

Monday, 16 April 2018
Jaidyn Stephenson earns the round 4 AFL Rising Star nomination for his five-goal effort against Adelaide at Adelaide Oval.
Jaidyn Stephenson says he was bemused by concerns over his heart condition.

Stephenson was long regarded as a hotshot draft prospect, a status that was suddenly in jeopardy as recruiters discovered the problem he shares with his sister and mother.

"I've had it all my life and have gone through playing football without any dramas," Stephenson said.

"I thought it was pretty funny, but it didn't matter where I went – pick one or pick 101 – as long as I got to a club.

"I didn't think about not getting drafted."

Saturday, 14 April 2018
After failing to kick a goal in his first three games, Jaidyn Stephenson made the most of his opportunities at the Adelaide Oval to kick five majors in the Magpies' win over the Crows.

"He's got speed which is not a commodity that we've got in abundance on our list," Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley said.

"We identified that in recruiting for him in particular and he hasn't let us down."

Saturday, 24 March 2018
Jaidyn Stephenson makes his AFL debut for Collingwood at the MCG with 16 disposals (10 kicks and 6 handballs), 4 marks and 3 tackles in a 34-point loss to Hawthorn.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Collingwood skipper Scott Pendlebury says he has been impressed with the clubs No.6 draft pick Jaidyn Stephenson who is firming for a round one debut in 2018.

"He's unique. I haven't seen anyone who's come in to our organisation like Jaidyn," Pendlebury said.

"There's quick, and there's really quick. And he's that really quick type. He's done some things at training that you can't believe from such a young player."

Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Jaidyn Stephenson's manager Robbie D'Orazio plays down concerns over a medical irregularity that surfaced recently for the top-10 draft prospect.

Stephenson has been touted as an early selection for this season's NAB AFL Draft for several years, having burst onto the scene as a 16-year-old playing with the Eastern Ranges.

He enjoyed a strong season this year, moving into the midfield from half-forward and averaging 23 disposals a game at TAC Cup level.

However, some clubs have requested extra information in recent weeks regarding an irregularity with Stephenson's heart that came to their attention at the NAB AFL Draft Combine medical testing last month.

"On medical advice that we've received there is no risk in picking Jaidyn Stephenson in this year's draft," D'Orazio said.

"The information that has been received and handed to the AFL clearly states that the specialists are happy for Jaidyn to enter the AFL and have a long career."

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