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Tyler Brown

Last played for Adelaide Crows in 2023
Games: 28     Born: December 9, 1999     Origin: Eastern Ranges
Playing Height: 192cm     Playing Weight: 84kg     Position: Midfield, Forward
First Drafted: Round 3, Pick #50 2017 National Draft by Collingwood Magpies
Last Drafted: 2023 SSP Recruit
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Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Adelaide delists Jackson Hately, Tyler Brown, Andrew McPherson and Tariek Newchurch.

"Andrew, Jackson, Tariek and Tyler have all made valuable contributions to our club in the varying amounts of time they have spent with us. All four players leave the club with our thanks and best wishes for the future," Adelaide general manager list management and strategy Justin Reid said.

Thursday, 19 January 2023
Tyler Brown signs with Adelaide for the 2023 season via the pre-season supplemental selection period (SSP).

"I'm very grateful for getting another opportunity to join an AFL club and I'm really excited to be part of a young group that has a lot of promise for the future," Brown said.

"I felt welcome here as soon as I walked in the door and I'm looking forward to getting stuck into training with my new teammates."

Wednesday, 11 January 2023
Tyler Brown will try to earn a spot on the Crows' rookie list for 2023 during the pre-season supplemental selection period.

The Crows considered Brown after he was delisted but overlooked the Victorian during the delisted free agency window and in the NAB AFL Rookie Draft, before a spot opened on the list this week.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022
Collingwood delists Callum Brown, Tyler Brown, Isaac Chugg and Liam McMahon.

"Callum and Tyler, we could not be prouder of their professionalism and the positive influence they have had on their peers during their time at the Club," Collingwood general manager of football Graham Wright said.

"For Isaac and Liam, they are two players who have always done the team thing and we thank them for their dedication to our Club."

Friday, 20 March 2020
Tyler Brown makes his AFL debut for Collingwood at Docklands Stadium with 15 disposals (4 kicks and 11 handballs) and 3 tackles in a 52-point win over the Western Bulldogs.
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Tyler Brown is informed that he will be selected to debut in Collingwood's 2020 season opener this Friday should it go ahead. Uncertainty still remains as to the AFL's fixture for the year due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

"He's been 'almost' for a lot of it. He's a great talent, he's had really good form over the last three or four weeks on the track and in the Marsh Series games," Buckley said.

"He's adaptable; he can play midfield, he can go deep forward. We've seen enough to think the time's right for him and give him a crack."

Monday, 9 March 2020
Young Magpies Callum Brown, Tyler Brown and Nathan Murphy each sign two-year extensions with Collingwood to remain at the club until the end of 2022.

"The future is theirs to write but right now Cal, Tyler and Nathan are seen as important to what is next for Collingwood," Magpies list manager Ned Guy said.

Monday, 18 June 2018
Brothers Callum Brown and Tyler Brown have re-signed with the Magpies and will remain at the club until the end of 2020.

"Not much thought went into my mind except signing. I grew up barracking for the club. I've only seen one team and I love that," Callum said.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Collingwood officially nominates Tyler Brown as a potential father-son for next month's 2017 NAB AFL Draft.
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Tyler Brown, son of Gavin Brown, is set to join Collingwood as a father-son pick where his brother, Callum Brown, is already listed as a player.

"It would be great to play with Callum," Tyler said.

"He's has been a pretty big influence on me by showing me what it takes to play league footy.

"He's told to enjoy my draft year because it's my last year of junior football.

"He motivated me to go down the same path."

Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Potential Collingwood father-son pick Tyler Brown has been invited to test at this year's NAB AFL Draft Combine, which will be dominated by Victorian hopefuls.

Brown was overlooked for selection for Vic Metro during the recent under-18 carnival, but has shown impressive signs for the Eastern Ranges at stages in the TAC Cup season.

The son of Collingwood premiership player Gavin is taller than his brother Callum, who was drafted under the father-son rule last year and made his debut for the Pies earlier this season.

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