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Elliott Himmelberg

#34   Adelaide Crows
Age: 25yr 11mth    Games: 45     Born: June 4, 1998     Origin: Redlands
Height: 199cm     Weight: 99kg     Position: Forward
Drafted: Round 3, Pick #51 2016 National Draft by Adelaide Crows
Supercoach Price: $278,900   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $462,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: UFA at the end of 2024   AFL Player Contracts
Status: Head injury, Expected return: 3 weeks   AFL Injury List
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Elliott Himmelberg Biography

Tuesday, 17 October 2023
A potential trade for Elliott Himmelberg to Greater Western Sydney has all but collapsed, with Adelaide unwilling to part with the contracted key forward having been unable to replace him during the 2023 Trade Period.

The Crows had targeted moves for both Mabior Chol and Harrison Petty, but were unable to land either, leaving them intent on retaining Himmelberg for the final year of his deal in 2024.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Fresh after two successive victories to break a run of 13 straight losses by the Crows, Elliott Himmelberg signs a two-year contract extension to remain at the Crows until the end of 2022.

"I was really happy with how we were going recently. It's been a product of the last ten weeks, we're really building towards something," Himmelberg said.

Saturday, 25 August 2018
Elliott Himmelberg makes his AFL debut for Adelaide at Docklands Stadium with 13 disposals (5 kicks and 8 handballs), 5 marks, 3 tackles and a goal in a 104-point win over Carlton.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Elliott Himmelberg signs a two-year contract extension with Adelaide to remain at the club until the end of 2020.

"The club has been fantastic to me ever since I first arrived," Himmelberg said.

"I’ve settled in nicely to Adelaide and I’m stoked to be able to play footy here for another couple of years at least."

Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Eliott Himmelberg is placed on the Crows' long-term injury list, allowing Alex Keath to remain on the Crows' senior list.

With midfielder Curtly Hampton set to come off the long-term injury list and play his first game in three months in the SANFL this weekend, the Crows would have had to demote either Keath or fellow cross-code success story Hugh Greenwood back to the rookie list.

However, Adelaide has decided to rule Himmelberg out for the season with a foot injury and allow him to get a full pre-season under his belt.

Friday, 25 November 2016
Adelaide select Elliot Himmelberg with pick No.51 in the 2016 National Draft.

"Elliott's been injured, so he's missed a bit of footy this year, but we really liked his start to the season," Crows National Recruiting Manager Hamish Ogilvie said.

"He played back in the Allies, but we think he's probably forward with maybe a bit of forward-ruck, because he's maybe 197cm-plus now, so he's grown."

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