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Brayden Sier

Last played for Collingwood Magpies in 2021
Games: 28     Born: December 12, 1997     Origin: Northern Knights
Playing Height: 191cm     Playing Weight: 88kg     Position: Midfield
Drafted: Round 2, Pick #32 2015 National Draft by Collingwood Magpies
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Brayden Sier Biography

Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Brayden Sier signs a new two-year deal to remain with the Magpies until the end of 2021.

"We've seen some really positive signs from Brayden over the past couple of years and as he continues to grow and develop, he can play an important role in our midfield going forward," Pies list boss Ned Guy said.

Saturday, 17 August 2019
Brayden Sier has escaped a playing ban, but has been fined $5000 and will do community work after playing social basketball while injured.

"He's been sanctioned and he understands what he did was not a great decision," Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley said.

"We'll put our support behind him now and he's still part of our campaign and needs to get back on track, train well, play well in the VFL next week and continue to push to be a positive impact on the rest of our 2019 campaign."

Thursday, 15 August 2019
Brayden Sier faces a yet-to-be-determined sanction for playing a local basketball game while injured and then lying to the club about it.

"(It was) a blue from a young player (who) made a couple of errors in the whole situation – one, to play the game (of basketball) and, two, to try to sweep it under the carpet," Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley said about Sier's actions.

"We'll deal with that accordingly and appropriately. Our VFL (team) don't play this week so we've got a bit of time to sort that out."

Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Injured Collingwood midfielder Brayden Sier takes to a local basketball court amid the Pies' mounting soft-tissue crisis.

Sier, who will miss his fourth consecutive match this weekend with a calf setback, is understood to have played for about 20 minutes under the pseudonym "Phill Inn" in a Diamond Valley Basketball Association Division 3 match in Greensborough.

Thursday, 27 September 2018
In the 2018 Grand Final, 20-year-old Brayden Sier will line up for Collingwood in just his 12th match after becoming a vital cog in the Magpies' midfield since debuting in round 15.
Saturday, 30 June 2018
Brayden Sier makes his AFL debut for Collingwood with 19 disposals (10 kicks and 9 handballs), 3 marks and 6 tackles in a 39-point win over Gold Coast.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Brayden Sier will make his debut this week for Collingwood against Gold Coast at Metricon Stadium.

"It's something I've been waiting for, for a long time, so I guess there's a bit of relief. Now I get to officially call myself an AFL player," Sier said.

Thursday, 29 March 2018
Brayden Sier is hit with a suspended $5000 fine after placing a number of bets, totalling less than $50 combined, were placed on AFL events and matches during the 2017 season.

AFL general counsel Andrew Dillon said none of the bets involved Collingwood.

"Mr Dillon said the player’s remorse and full co-operation during the investigation had been taken into account, along with the size of the wagers, and his sanction had therefore been suspended for a two-year period," the AFL said in a statement.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018
Brayden Sier may have "saved his career" late in the 2017 season after finally becoming serious about his footy, according to Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley.

"By his own admission, (he) probably didn't have football high enough in his priorities in the first 18 months (of his time at the club)," Buckley said.

"The last half of last year Brayden really knuckled down and saved his career at Collingwood in many ways, and showed at the club that he was serious about being an AFL footballer. So he earned another year on his contract."

Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Collingwood teenagers Brayden Sier and Max Lynch have earned new deals, with the uncapped pair being granted another season with the Magpies in 2018.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Collingwood select Brayden Sier with pick No.32 in the 2015 NAB AFL Draft.
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