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Ivan Soldo

Age: 28yr 1mth    Games: 64     Born: April 14, 1996     Origin: Daramalan College
Height: 204cm     Weight: 110kg     Position: Ruck
Drafted: Round 5, Pick #68 2014 Rookie Draft by Richmond Tigers
Supercoach Price: $468,900   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $671,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: Out of contract at the end of 2024   AFL Player Contracts
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Ivan Soldo Biography

Friday, 15 December 2023
Ivan Soldo is sent for surgery this week after aggravating an injury on his left hand.

"His running obviously won't be impacted and we expect him to return to full training with the group in late January," Port Adelaide head of medical services Tim O'Leary said.

Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Ivan Soldo is set to lead Port Adelaide's ruck department in 2024 after being traded from Richmond to the Power.

The Tigers have received picks 41 and 49, a future second-round pick tied to Fremantle as well as Port's future fourth-round pick in exchange for Soldo, with the Power also getting Richmond's pick 50 in return.

Thursday, 5 October 2023
Port Adelaide football boss Chris Davies says if Ivan Soldo wants to leave Richmond, the door is open at Alberton.

"Ivan's in that situation where … he wants to be a first ruck. Whether he's going to be able to do that at his existing club is a question he needs to answer himself," Davies said.

"We definitely have a need in that area and if he was in a situation where he wanted to leave Richmond, then we would be more than open to him coming."

Saturday, 12 September 2020
Ivan Soldo is set to be sidelined for a year after scans confirmed he had ruptured both his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and medial ligament.

Soldo's left knee was injured in a marking collision during the Tigers' clash against Geelong.

Friday, 27 September 2019
Ivan Soldo will play in his first AFL Grand Final this week when Richmond take on GWS after consolidating his spot in the Tigers' side.

"I actually played in Ivan's first-ever football game in under-18s (for Northern Knights), so it's pretty special seeing him play the way he is now and how much he's progressed in his football career," teammate Jayden Short said.

"It's just amazing to see how good he's become. He's just a big presence, a big brute, he gets to contests and gives his all and that's all we can ask for."

Soldo, 23, is also starting to come into his own off the field.

"He wants to be a cartoonist throughout or maybe even after his career. He's got a really witty sense of humour that, as he matures and comes out of his shell, might be something to really keep an eye on," teammate Shane Edwards said.

"A good drawer and a really creative guy, you can see it in the way he heads the ball and kicks it off the ground at stoppages. He thinks laterally."

Saturday, 6 May 2017
Ivan Soldo makes his AFL debut for Richmond at Docklands Stadium with 9 disposals (4 kicks and 5 handballs), 3 marks, 2 tackles and 42 hitouts in a 5-point loss to the Western Bulldogs.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Richmond selects Ivan Soldo with pick No.68 in the 2014 NAB AFL Rookie Draft.

"Ivan's worked really hard physically and for a kid who hasn't played footy, if you look at his kicking now, that's really improved along with his physical conditioning and running capacity," Tigers recruiting manager Francis Jackson said.

"He's competitive and a big boy and his thirst for knowledge is a credit to him."

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