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Brett Montgomery

Last played for Western Bulldogs in 2007
Games: 204     Born: June 1, 1973     Origin: South Croydon
Playing Height: 180cm     Playing Weight: 83kg     Position: Defender, Forward
First Drafted: Pick #47 1996 National Draft by Western Bulldogs
Last Drafted: Round 4, Pick #55 2005 National Draft by Western Bulldogs
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Brett Montgomery Biography

Saturday, 7 April 2018
Brett Montgomery has emerged from the AFL's exclusive level four coaching program unsure where his future lies but eager to forge a career in the top tier.

"You have to have a lot of things fall your way to become a senior coach that, at times, you have no control over, and that's the unpredictable and frustrating part of being on this journey," Montgomery said.

Thursday, 29 September 2016
Brisbane Lions senior candidate Brett Montgomery has implored the coaching industry to show more maturity when parting with assistants.

Montgomery was an assistant at Whitten Oval for six seasons before mutually parting with the club last month to seek other opportunities.

After initially agreeing to keep the senior aspirant on until the end of the season, the Bulldogs had a change of heart and severed ties with the 43-year-old on August 10.

"What our industry needs to consider is that when it does become mutual or when it does become quite formal that someone won't be there the next year, that we can work our way through any insecurities or paranoia about that person going on to their next venture," Montgomery said.

"I think there's always some confusion around where you'll be spending your time, where your priorities might lie, what you're concentrating on, and where your energies are going.

"I'd love to see our industry get a little bit stronger and little bit more mature in that."

Wednesday, 10 August 2016
The Western Bulldogs part ways with senior assistant coach Brett Montgomery.

The decision to move on after six seasons as a Bulldogs' assistant comes at an odd time as the club is just weeks away from consecutive finals series under coach Luke Beveridge.

There had been rumblings from the Whitten Oval that Montgomery had been desperately disappointed to miss out on the senior job following Beveridge's appointment in late 2014.

"The decision to part ways at this time of the year was a mutual one, allowing Brett more time to start planning for the next phase of his career," Bulldogs director of football Chris Grant said.

"We are sure that Brett has a bright career path in football ahead of him and we wish him and his family the very best for the future."

Tuesday, 8 March 2016
The senior coaching prospects of Peter Sumich and Brett Montgomery have been boosted after the pair was accepted into the AFL's coaching accreditation course for 2016.

After a lengthy interview process, the AFL notified successful applicants on Monday, with assistants Justin Longmuir (West Coast) and Jade Rawlings (Melbourne) rounding out the second intake of the level four program.

There are now 12 coaches completing the course, which the AFL hopes will eventually become mandatory for those applying for senior positions in the future.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
New Western Bulldogs senior coach Luke Beveridge has retained Brett Montgomery, who was also a candidate for the club's senior position, as his senior assistant.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
The Western Bulldogs expect to sit down with senior assistant coach Brett Montgomery next week to discuss his role for 2015.

The 41-year-old has not been seen on the training track this week after being unsuccessful in his application for the senior coaching role at the club.

After Luke Beveridge was appointed as senior coach, Montgomery is understood to have wanted to spend a week away from the club to consider his options.

Friday, 31 October 2014
The Western Bulldogs consider candidates for the vacant head coaching role at the club that include Fremantle assistant coach Peter Sumich, Western Bulldogs assistant Brett Montgomery and newly appointed St Kilda director of coaching Luke Beveridge.
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Brett Montgomery's ambition to become a senior coach has been further strengthened by his promotion to senior assistant at the Western Bulldogs.

"I think it takes you four or five years to really work out what it's all about," Montgomery said.

"To make any rushed decisions about what you want to do in your first or second year would be a mistake.

"I feel quite comfortable about what I'm doing now and the pathways are pretty clear."

Thursday, 30 September 2010
Brett Montgomery has joined the Western Bulldogs as an assistant coach after three seasons at Carlton.

"It is just fantastic for us to be able to lure Brett back to the club and we are very excited," Bulldogs general manager of football operations James Fantasia said.

"Brett brings with him not only a wealth of knowledge but a tough and uncompromising approach to the game. He also has a personal relationship with many of our players who still hold the deepest respect for him."

Friday, 10 July 2009
Carlton assistant coach Brett Montgomery says Nick Stevens and Heath Scotland are in the Blues mix for next week after the pair were overlooked for selection against Richmond despite performing well in the VFL.

"There's no room for them this week, but that's not to say, even with their week off from Bullants' duties, that that will be the case next week," Montgomery said.

"It might be our role to perhaps talk them through ways of getting back in, building them up and giving them options and alternatives to improve their game. I think both guys have taken it extremely well."

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