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Clancee Pearce

Last played for Fremantle Dockers in 2016
Games: 100     Born: October 23, 1990     Origin: Swan Districts
Playing Height: 182cm     Playing Weight: 85kg     Position: Defender, Midfield
First Drafted: Round 4, Pick #48 2008 Rookie Draft by Fremantle Dockers
Last Drafted: Round 4, Pick #78 2012 National Draft by Fremantle Dockers
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Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Fremantle's list regeneration has continued, with Matt de Boer, Tendai Mzungu, Clancee Pearce, Jack Hannath, Brady Grey and rookie Josh Deluca among six new delistings.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Clancee Pearce has signed a two-year contract extension that will see the midfielder remain at Fremantle until the end of the 2016 season.

"To see his continued development has been a credit to Clancee's commitment to his football and the effort he has put in," Fremantle's general manager of player management Brad Lloyd said.

"He is an important member of the playing group and we look forward to seeing him continue to play his role for the club in the coming years."

Monday, 2 September 2013
Clancee Pearce damages his Achilles tendon against St Kilda on the eve of the finals and will miss the rest of the season.

Pearce was playing his first match since injuring his calf against Carlton but was subbed out in the opening minutes of the first term.

Friday, 1 March 2013
After becoming a prominent part of Fremantle's midfield as an outside player, Clancee Pearce says he is working on his inside game to become a more complete player.

"Last year I built my tank up a little bit and the midfield role came about. I loved that challenge and the challenge this year is to play more of an inside mid role," Pearce said.

"There's a whole bunch of blokes vying for that spot, so I'm trying to get that down pat as well as my outside game."

Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Fremantle midfielder Clancee Pearce says new coach Ross Lyon is the best thing that has ever happened to his football.

"He just gives me a lot of confidence and shows that if you do the work you're going to get rewarded," Pearce said.

"He's a really good communicator and I think he's the best in the business. If you do the hard work and show that you're willing to give great effort he'll give you a chance. He's pretty straight down the line."

Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Fremantle rookie Clancee Pearce will play against Port Adelaide this weekend after injuries to Antoni Grover and Luke McPharlin.

"Three out of those four guys that are out are in our leadership group, which is significant," Fremantle coach Mark Harvey said.

"I don't think I've been through a list like this as in the injuries so early in the season.

"You find out a lot about your list and the resolve and what you can do when a lot of things aren't going right for you."

Adjusting to the pace of AFL football will be a challenge for Fremantle debutant Clancee Pearce, but Mark Harvey believes he will quickly find his feet.

"He brings a real toughness and honesty about the way he plays. He doesn't get fazed by who he's playing on," Fremantle coach Mark Harvey said.

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