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Danyle Pearce

Last played for Fremantle Dockers in 2018
Games: 258     Born: April 7, 1986     Origin: Sturt
Playing Height: 178cm     Playing Weight: 79kg     Position: Forward
Drafted: Round 1, Pick #16 2004 Rookie Draft by Port Adelaide Power
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Danyle Pearce Biography

Friday, 24 August 2018
Danyle Pearce announce his retirement from AFL football, saying he turned down a Fremantle farewell game so a younger teammate could have his spot.

Pearce has only made three AFL appearances in 2018 but has found joy in being involved with Peel in the WAFL.

"We’ve got a lot of great boys who have come in and I wish them nothing but the best for their future," Pearce said.

"Hopefully, in another 10 years' time they’ll still be playing and going well and I’ll know I was there at the start to direct them in the right way."

Wednesday, 11 July 2018
Fremantle coach Ross Lyon says Fremantle will consider farewell games for Michael Johnson and Danyle Pearce later in the season, after confirming they won't be at the Dockers in 2019.

The veteran duo have made way for youth this year, with Johnson spending the past four games at Peel and 258-game midfielder Pearce only making three AFL appearances.

"Michael Johnson, we could argue, is our greatest Aboriginal player, so that's something we'll get to," Lyon said.

"As a caring football club, that should be on our agenda."

Tuesday, 22 August 2017
Danyle Pearce won't pursue further action against a spectator in a corporate box who allegedly racially abused him after Fremantle's game against Richmond.

Pearce was an emergency for the 104-point loss to the Tigers and came onto Domain Stadium about 30 minutes after the final siren to complete extra running when the incident occurred.

The spectator contacted Fremantle on Monday and offered to personally apologise to the 255-gamer after the Dockers confirmed they were investigating.

"I try to put experiences like this behind me and realise it demonstrates a lack of understanding and education on behalf of the person," Pearce said.

"I thank the AFL and the Fremantle Football Club for continuing to address racism when players are confronted with it."

Sunday, 24 August 2014
Danyle Pearce plays in his 200th game at the Gabba against the Lions, his 49th straight game for Fremantle since crossing over from the Power.

"We've been thrilled with his addition to us," Fremantle coach Ross Lyon said about Pearce.

"He is certainly a very hard trainer, prepares himself immaculately. He has fitted in seamlessly and gives great effort all of the time."

Thursday, 4 October 2012
Port Adelaide football operations manager says the club was not prepared to match Fremantle's offer to Danyle Pearce.

"To match the offer Fremantle had put up was really not an option for us," Rohde said.

"We think the offer that they've given him is very generous."

Pearce says he is excited at the new opportunity to play for the Dockers, taking up the offered four-year deal believed to be worth $1.5 million.

"I would like to thank all at the Port Adelaide Football Club, especially my teammates whom I have shared the past eight years with," Pearce said in a statement.

"I would also like to thank Ross Lyon and the Fremantle Football Club for the opportunity they have presented to me and look forward to the next chapter in my football career."

Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Port Adelaide confirms Danyle Pearce is clear to sign a contract with Fremantle after deciding not to match the Dockers' offer.

"We have taken time to think about the situation and have resolved that it would be irresponsible in the context of our team structure at Port Adelaide to match the offer put forward by Fremantle," Port football manager Peter Rohde said in a statement.

"Danyle has made a strong contribution during his eight years at Port Adelaide and we wish him well with his new opportunity in the AFL."

Monday, 1 October 2012
Fremantle has made a bid for Port Adelaide midfielder Danyle Pearce in the first formal offer under free agency rules.

"The Fremantle Football Club has today lodged documentation with the AFL for Port Adelaide restricted free agent Danyle Pearce to join the club," the statement read.

"The club will not be making any further comment until the free agency process is completed."

Thursday, 27 September 2012
St Kilda star Brendon Goddard heads the list of six restricted free agents released by the AFL which also includes Essendon's Angus Monfries, Melbourne's Brent Moloney, Port Adelaide duo Danyle Pearce and Troy Chaplin and Richmond's Luke McGuane.
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Port's Danyle Pearce says there's more to Will Minson's sledge than was reported in the media.

"I've read the reports that everyone's been writing; you guys haven't written down everything that was said," Pearce said.

"I've read a report, it had half of what was said written down and in the report it was left at that was the only thing and that's not true, it's not the case."

Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Matthew Primus has thrown his support behind Danyle Pearce who has made a complaint against a comment made by Will Minson directed at Pearce's mother which the AFL will investigate.

"He was really upset, I suppose we got to see during the game. He was pretty angry during the game and after the game he was angry," Primus said.

"It does take courage, you don't do these things lightly, and Daniel certainly felt pretty aggrieved by it all. We fully support him, and I applaud him for standing up for what he believed in."

The Western Bulldogs have suspended ruckman Will Minson for one match over offensive comments to Port Adelaide midfielder Danyle Pearce.

"The club has the highest of expectations when it comes to players' behaviour both on and off the field," Bulldogs CEO Simon Garlick said.

"While Will is genuinely remorseful for his actions the club will not tolerate the use of inappropriate and offensive comments, especially in regards to women."

Sharrod Wellingham says Will Minson should have known better than to sledge Danyle Pearce's mother after being forced to apologise to Kane Cornes in 2008.

There's going to be some sledging and there's going to be some stuff said that maybe you don't really want to say," Wellingham said.

"It can become quite blurry those lines, but he's (Minson) experienced it in the past and I think that he probably should have learned his lesson. It's just got to come down to respect between players."

Power midfielder Danyle Pearce says Will Minson's comments about his mother could not and will not be tolerated.

"The important thing for me is that Will understands that this is not a minor matter that can be brushed under the carpet," Pearce said.

"It is a very big thing and insulting a player's family is just not acceptable. He needs to know there is a line that you shouldn't even contemplate crossing.

"Will has apologised, but I don't need that to move on. His actions from here will mean far more than words."

A repentant Will Minson has issued an unreserved apology to Port Adelaide's Danyle Pearce over his offensive slur.

"The last 24 hours have been an extremely stressful period for myself and, no doubt, unnecessarily stressful for Danyle Pearce and his family and the Port Adelaide Football Club, and I have absolutely no intention of putting anyone through that sort of stress or attention ever again," he said.

"I've certainly learnt from this experience."

Friday, 18 May 2012
Danyle Pearce is undertaking a degree in education and is doing plenty of teaching with indigenous youths.

"It's great to see all the indigenous kids embrace their identity and do some research on where they're from and where their family's from," Pearce said.

"Even over a two-hour lesson, the difference from when we first get there to an hour into it...they know more about themselves, their family, their background, the history of all indigenous people and you can see how proud they are to know this."

Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Port Adelaide's Danyle Pearce says a shift into defence in 2012 is not set in stone despite spending much of his pre-season training in the backlines.

"It'll be a real week-to-week thing and I'm sure there will be a lot of things looked at as far as who we're playing, match-ups and stuff like that," he said.

"I could be half-back one week, on the ball the next, wing after that, half-forward … who knows? I'm sure Matty (Primus) will use me in whichever role he sees fit."

Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Port's Danyle Pearce hopes the Indigenous Round continues to promote awareness after revealing he was vilified by a spectator while playing in the SANFL.

"It kind of caught me by surprise at the time," Pearce said.

"You get some naïve and narrow-minded people out there and you just have pity for them. From where it was to where it is now it's 10-fold different and that's the good thing about having the Indigenous Round."

Thursday, 1 April 2010
Danyle Pearce admits to having trouble dealing with a heavy tag in 2009.

"I was being heavily tagged for the first time, being pushed around a fair bit, and it took a while to get used to," Pearce said.

"I didn't stop trying or running but the fact I was getting a lot of attention and I wasn't getting as much of the ball as I would have liked did get to me. If I wasn't getting the ball I'd think that I wasn't doing my job and I would get down on myself."

Friday, 18 September 2009
Port Adelaide has re-signed Danyle Pearce, Warren Tredrea, Michael Pettigrew, Tom Logan and Matthew Lobbe to new deals.

"From a personal point of view I was satisfied with my form and fitness this year and I can't wait to start pre-season and build towards 2010," Tredrea said.

"I'm also looking forward to helping with the development our young players, who really are the core of our playing group now."

Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Retired Brownlow Medallist Shane Crawford has accused Port Adelaide midfielder Danyle Pearce of giving up against the Melbourne Demons while former Power player Josh Francou says the club should seriously consider trading Pearce at the end of the season.

"It looked like he had hoisted the white flag and thought 'this is too hard'," Crawford said.

"He should have used his pace and run to try to shake Jones off but instead he seemed to go into his shell, which was disappointing. He's just got to work harder in that situation."

Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Criticism of Danyle Pearce, Peter Burgoyne and Josh Carr is unwarranted according to teammate Travis Boak.

The trio have been singled out in the South Australian media following the Power's disappointing performance against Melbourne on Sunday.

"We think Pearcey's been one of our best players, not because he is getting 20-plus possessions or he's not getting 20-plus possessions, but because he's taking another player out of the play and helping someone else like Kane, Dom or David Rodan around the ball," Boak said.

"The guys know that he's probably copped a bit of criticism, but we're right behind him and we're really behind Peter and Carry as well.

"We're going to give Pearcey confidence. We're going to give him the ball and tell him to run. He's strong in mind and he's going to bounce back."

Thursday, 21 May 2009
Rising Star winner Danyle Pearce's form has reflected Port Adelaide's season so far. When Pearce plays well, the Power win.

"I know that if I play well it definitely helps the team and I have to make sure that my good performances are the standard I produce every week," Pearce said.

"I've looked at my stats and seen that they've been down when we've lost. I have to pick those number up and, hopefully, I can contribute to a few more wins."

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