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Brad Symes

Last played for Adelaide Crows in 2012
Games: 80     Born: March 7, 1985     Origin: Central District
Playing Height: 186cm     Playing Weight: 84kg     Position: Midfield
Drafted: Round 2, Pick #30 2003 National Draft by Port Adelaide Power
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Brad Symes Biography

Thursday, 27 September 2012
Adelaide has cut Brad Symes from its list, not long after he won the SANFL's 2012 Magarey Medal.

"Brad has been a valuable player during his five years at the football club, he is a quality person and we wish him all the best with his exciting new business venture," Crows list manager David Noble said.

"We acknowledge Brad's nine years in the AFL system and would like to thank him for his outstanding service to the Adelaide Football Club."

Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Adelaide midfielder Brad Symes is unlikely to play again this season after scans confirmed he suffered a fractured jaw from a clash with St Kilda skipper Nick Riewoldt in round 18.
Friday, 23 July 2010
Brad Symes says he doesn't really consider himself as a contender for the Crows captaincy with skipper Simon Goodwin having announced his retirement this year.

"I'm not sure I have to think too hard about that question because in terms of that being a reality - I'm not sure it is," he said.

"I'm happy just to keep doing what I'm doing, but to have the respect of the players. This year I've gained the confidence of the team to vote me into the leadership group, which I was really rapt with."

Monday, 1 March 2010
Adelaide pair Brad Symes and Brad Moran have stalled in their recovery from knee injuries, with Symes to have arthroscopic surgery this week.
Friday, 18 December 2009
Adelaide has added Brad Symes to the leadership group and made Simon Goodwin captain for a third year.

"It's something that when I woke up this morning I didn't come to the club expecting," Symes said.

"We had a pretty rock-solid leadership group last season and I didn't see that changing going into next year, but leadership is something that I've been working on in the last year or two ever since I got to the club.

"It's a massive honour to be acknowledged by my peers that I've been doing some of that work and they've seen that come through."

Thursday, 10 December 2009
Adelaide's Brad Symes be on the sidelines for up to six weeks after undergoing a knee operation.

"Brad's just got a little bit of material in the knee which needs cleaning out," football operations manager John Reid said.

"We could have punted on him coming good but we thought it would be best to give the knee a bit of a cleanout to prevent further problems."

Monday, 20 July 2009
Key Saints Justin Koschitzke and Zac Dawson are charged by the match review panel after physical clash with Crows.

Koschitzke was charged with striking Adelaide's Richard Douglas in Sunday's game, while Dawson was charged for a rough conduct offence against Crow Brad Symes.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Adelaide has a selection poser ahead of the clash with ladder-leaders St Kilda - what to do with Brett Burton?

In two SANFL matches since resuming after a knee reconstruction, Burton has done all he can to show he is ready to re-commence his AFL career.

"It's probably a tough one for the selectors but a good position to be in as well, Brett's worked as hard as I've seen anyone over the last 10-12 months," said midfielder Brad Symes.

"He's come back and played two games now and is in pretty good form already, which doesn't really surprise anyone at the club.

"If he does come into the team I'm sure he'd do a great job."

Tuesday, 16 June 2009
North Melbourne's young gun Jack Ziebell's debut season appears over after scans yesterday confirmed he broke his right leg in the 44-point loss to Adelaide on Sunday.

The 18-year-old midfielder was taken to hospital after Adelaide's Brad Symes slid into his knee during a contest just before three-quarter-time.

Scans revealed the round-seven Rising Star nominee had a fractured fibula which will put him out for six to 10 weeks and with the club unlikely to play finals, he is not expected to return this year.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Adelaide midfielder Brad Symes says Adelaide will have to be at its absolute best to beat Geelong.

"A lot of teams go and apply a lot of pressure to Geelong. They move the ball pretty well and are skilful enough to get out of most situations," Symes said.

"We're going to have to be right at the top of our game even just to knock them back five or 10 per cent. If we can do that we'll give ourselves a good chance."

Monday, 19 January 2009
Adelaide's Brad Symes is facing an uphill battle to be fit for the premiership season after falling off the back of a car after training.
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Adelaide winger Brad Symes has cast his support for the AFL Players' Association's push for the introduction of a responsible free agency system.
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
After a gruelling pre-season training session at his new club, the Crows, Symes declares that the midfield is his preferred position despite playing mostly in defence for the Power.

"The last few years at Port I spent down back," Symes said. "Hopefully I can get in the midfield at Adelaide. Neil has encouraged me to work hard on my fitness and skills and said if I do the right things I can hopefully grab a spot there."

Symes says that he believes there will be more opportunities at Adelaide. "It just appeared to come down to the fact that Port was winning and we didn't have any injuries, so it was a hard team to crack into," he said. "I just felt there was probably more opportunities at Adelaide. And I want to play AFL football."

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