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Peter Rohde

Last played for Melbourne Demons in 1995
Born: November 19, 1964    
Playing Height: 185cm     Playing Weight: 87kg    
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Peter Rohde Biography

Friday, 1 August 2014
Port Adelaide general manager of football operations Peter Rohde will end a 30-year career in the game at the end of 2014 to move into the corporate world.

"Over the last couple of years I've given some thought as to what I would do in the next stage of my working career, and now it feels like the right time to branch off into something new," Rohde said.

"At the end of last year I took over a majority ownership of EFM Corporate, so from that point on I've had open discussions with (Port Adelaide chief executive) Keith Thomas about my future with the view that I would finish up in December of this year."

Thursday, 25 June 2009
The power has re-signed defender Troy Chaplin until the end of 2012.

"With Troy and Alipate Carlile both signed up, we've got two key defenders to build our backline around long term," football operations manager Peter Rohde said.

"Troy's still got some areas to improve on, but he's shown a great work ethic and we're looking forward to him continuing his improvement here at Port Adelaide.

"Troy brings great character to the club and is an important part of the culture among our younger players here at the Power."

Wednesday, 10 June 2009
The immediate future of Shaun Burgoyne is in doubt with the Port Adelaide midfielder suffering from bone bruising to his left knee.

"It is to the bottom of the knee joint, where the tibia forms the knee," Port football manager Peter Rohde said.

"There is nothing we can do for it but rest. Every time Shaun has tried to run, he has still had pain, so we've backed off and waited again.

"We let the knee settle down - and then we try again.

"The specialist says this can take anything between two and 12 weeks."

Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Port Adelaide star Chad Cornes is set to miss up to six weeks with leg injuries.

Port football manager Peter Rohde said yesterday Cornes had been having problems with his knee, but injured his calf in the third quarter of Sunday's 38-point loss to Collingwood at the MCG.

"The fact that he's going to miss a few weeks with his calf might mean we look after his knee as well," Rohde said.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Port Adelaide football manager Peter Rohde says the decision to take Daniel Motlop's charge to the tribunal was difficult.

Port Adelaide's 'calculated gamble' at the AFL tribunal paid off on Tuesday night when star forward Daniel Motlop was cleared of striking Eagle Adam Hunter.

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